Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Kind of Riotous Living

Yesterday I had a rare opportunity and I happily jumped on it.  Two of my friends with small children were miraculously kid free on the same night!  If any of you have children of your own or friends with small children you will understand how rare of a coincidence this is and how important it is to optmize your use of the time.  We settled on meeting for dinner at 8 (already getting late in the evening for a mother of 3yr olds or an old fogie like me) but this was a special evening.  A chance to be individuals for a few hours, unencumbered by the needs and wants of a small life force that depends on you for everything.  To just be three friends hanging out and having fun together.

We met at the designated location and stood there for about twenty minutes before even getting a table.  Dang it all, it's Friday night before New Years!! What were we thinking?  Just as I began wondering if we should have stayed in and ordered pizza our buzzer went off and we were in.  Dinner was fun and easy with light hearted chatter that only involved the mention of children.....oh just about every ten minutes or so.  You see, what no one tells a woman is that when she becomes a parent somehow everything is tied into that little life you gave birth to.  You cannot (and honestly don't want to) escape them entirely.  I was happy just to have the time to visit and I love their babies so much I never mind talking about them, but as dinner came to a close I felt an odd hesitation.  What now?  Dinner was over and it was almost 10pm.  Ridiculously late now!! Was that it, would we just have a good dinner and that was the end of our rare moment in time?

Thankfully one of my friends mentioned that Yogurtini just happened to be across the way from the movie theatre.  We could check out what movies were showing and at least get some froyo.  Yesss!!!  The yogurt and movie are unimportant, but the gut wrenching laughter and goofiness that ensues when three women who are used to being tucked in for the day hours earlier actually stay out till 2am is priceless.  I have not laughed that long and hard since we took a girls trip to California this last fall.  As I crawled into bed just after 2 and set my alarm for a mere 4hrs later I knew I would be in pain the entire next day, but the smile on my face and the joy in my heart at creating memories with dear friends was well worth it.

As I am typing this, my eyes are swollen and red, I have a fierce headache and dread every movement of my body....but I am reveling in the memory of fun times.  And so thankful to have friends who share my definition of a wild night. :)

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